Title: Revolutionizing Infrastructure Management: Embracing Modular Digital Twins for Enhanced Operational Efficiency
Summary: The introduction of digital twins brings about new practices, tools, and data families, often resulting in resistance to change within operational teams. Recognizing that monolithic solutions lead to prolonged and costly adjustment periods, Egis has been working on an alternative approach: modular digital twins designed for resilience and enhanced user acceptance. As we navigate the uncharted waters of digital twins in Canada, Egis invites participants to explore and engage with our experiences, lessons learned, and insights, from our Digital Twin program director from France.
Presenter: Nicolas Ferrara, Director of Digital Twin Services
Title: Geometric Design - Designing around Temporary and Permanent Constraints
Summary: The Anne Street Bridge replacement project successfully addressed complex challenges associated with freeway widening in a confined urban setting. The meticulous planning, strategic execution, and innovative solutions employed not only accommodated current demands but also laid the groundwork for future expansions, exemplifying a harmonious integration of infrastructure development and urban sustainability.
Presenters: Aaron Stuart, Project Manager, Senior Highway Design Specialist; Steven Pilgrim, Executive Vice President
Title: Navigating the Cyber Security Landscape
Summary: As Canada steps into the new frontier of Smart Roads, this presentation will serve as a pivotal platform to explore effective cybersecurity strategies and collaborative solutions. Egis will illuminate the discussion by sharing examples from international projects where cybersecurity mitigation measures have been successfully deployed. We aim to delve into the challenges posed by an interconnected and dynamic cybersecurity environment, ensuring the secure evolution of Smart Roads in Canada.
Presenter: François Tomeo, Vice President, Transportation Planning and Mobility
Title: Revitalizing Heritage Infrastructure: Preserving the Touchette Bridge's 70-Year Legacy
Summary: The Touchette Bridge was a 74-year-old structure over the South Nation River near Casselman, Ontario. The bridge was a 73 m long single-span Parker through truss bridge with a timber deck on steel stringers supported by steel floor beams, and it was in poor condition; there was severe section loss in the steel floor beams and stringer deck system and extensive delaminations and spalls on its abutments. The client tasked us with designing a rehabilitation that would restore normal loading conditions and extend the service life of the bridge by more than 25 years. The presentation will cover our analysis of the truss and substructure, the stabilization of the abutment and the carefully engineered construction sequence that was developed to complete the $4.5M rehabilitation.
Presenter: Derek Simms, Structural Engineer, Transportation Structures
Title: The ARTM Urban Travel Activity Scheduler: Delving into Fresh Analytical Perspectives and Preliminary Insights
Summary: As the inaugural version of the ARTM modeling framework is finalized, we're marking a key moment in Montreal's transportation planning. Developed with the Travel Modelling Group at the University of Toronto and Polytechnique Montréal, this framework shifts from traditional trip-based methods to a focus on individual travel activities, considering household characteristics. Our dissemination strategy includes a detailed unveiling of the framework, highlighting innovative aspects and initial results. This presentation fosters knowledge sharing, inviting collaborative insights that will advance sustainable and effective urban mobility planning.
Presenter: François Tomeo, Vice President, Transportation Planning and Mobility