Achieving the massive decarbonisation of society in order to contribute to the imperative of carbon neutrality in 2050 while meeting essential needs and improving the quality of life of populations is at the heart of Groupe Egis' purpose.
In this context, Egis' ambition is to become a key player in the design and operation of sustainable and resilient infrastructures.
If we are to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement, we will need to radically transform the energy model of our societies.
Egis is positioned to support this energy transition in all its aspects, by offering services that shape future energy demand in the city, buildings and transport sectors; by facilitating the electrification of uses, particularly in the field of mobility; and by developing the production of renewable and nuclear low-carbon electricity.
As the International Energy Agency pointed out in its latest annual report, published in October 2023, the gradual and widespread abandonment of fossil fuels is not only at the heart of this energy transition, it is also a necessary condition for its success. Progress in decarbonised energies is insufficient to curb the curve of greenhouse gas emissions, and achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement requires a drastic reduction in fossil fuels.
This is why Egis has strengthened its exclusion policy in 2023 to ensure that the projects carried out are consistent with our ambitions in terms of ecological and energy transition.
In particular, Egis will not work on projects and infrastructures involving coal mining, new oil fields or any unconventional fossil fuels (shale gas, oil shale, etc.). Egis also undertakes not to work on fossil fuel projects emitting more than 1GtCO2e over their lifetime as the cumulative emissions of this type of project are incompatible with the global carbon budget in line with the Paris Agreements.
Because the ecological and climate transition cannot be successful without strong action to preserve and restore biodiversity, Egis also excludes participation in projects whose impacts on biodiversity are not managed in accordance with the principle of the Avoid - Reduce - Compensate (ERC) sequence and the best international standards, such as the IFC performance standards.
Our commitments:
- Egis has set itself the goal of deploying eco-design in all its business lines, in particular to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle of buildings, transport and infrastructure.
- Egis develops and promotes a wide range of low-carbon solutions: soft mobility, rail mobility, wood construction, bio-sourced materials, traffic optimisation and regulation systems, etc.
- In terms of energy production, Egis offers services in the field of low-carbon energies (nuclear and renewable energies in particular), but also in networks to accelerate the deployment of these energies and the electrification of uses (electricity transmission and distribution, solutions for recharging electric vehicles, etc.).