We are pleased to announce that many of our projects in Hong Kong were recognized at the Green Building Award 2023 in early November 2023!
The Green Building Award is jointly organized by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and the Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) since 2010 and was inaugurated by the PGBC in 2006. The Award aims to recognize nominations which go beyond the conventional practice, stretch their boundaries in advancing sustainability, and are capable of inspiring the next generation on how our future built environment could be.
Project rewarded
- Project 1: Jockey Club – The Conservancy Association Urban Forestry Green Hub, the Special Citation on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the New Building Category for Completed Project – Institutional
- Project 2: Six Pacific Place, the Grand Award in New Building Category: Projects Under Construction and/or Design – Commercial
- Project 3: HKUST Shaw Auditorium, the Merit Award in the New Buildings Category for Completed Projects – Institutional
- Project 4: Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Batch 1A Development – Buildings 8 & 9, The Merit Award in the New Building Category: in Projects Under Construction and/or Design – Commercial
- Project 5: Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Batch 1A Development – Building 11, The Merit Award in the New Building Category: Projects Under Construction and/or Design – Residential
- Project 6: Drainage Services Department Office Building at Cheung Sha Wan Sewage Pumping Station, The Merit Award in the New Building Category: Projects Under Construction and/or Design – Institutional
- Project 7: Advanced Manufacturing Centre, Finalist in the New Building Category: Completed Projects – Institutional
- Project 8: Design and Construction of a District Court Building at Caroline Hill Road, Finalist in the New Building Category: Projects Under Construction and/or Design – Institutional
- Project 9: Landmark South, Finalist in the New Building Category: Completed Projects – Commercial
- Project 10: Data Technology Hub, Finalist in the New Building Category: Completed Projects – Commercial
- Project 11: The HENLEY by HENDERSON LAND, the Special Citation on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the New Building Category for Completed Project – Residential
We would like to thank our teams, our design and engineering partners, as well as our end clients, for their contributions to all these projects!