A key role as a Technical Advisor.
Within the Transaction Advisory team, Egis has a role of Technical Advisor with
services that includes :
• The definition / strategy of the PPP (Public Private Partnership) concession mode to be implemented from a technical perspective.
• The revision of the route, to propose the most efficient locations due to the urban environment and constrains
• The study of construction constraints in a dense urban environment
• Traffic studies confirming the modal choice
• Transit Oriented Development studies
• Economic development opportunities along the metro network
• Integration of existing bus networks and definition of location for park & ride
• Environmental Impact Assessment
• Geotechnical Boreholes campaign
Project Definition
The first phase of the Technical Advisory assignment consisted in the validation of the Metro Phase 1 key features as defined by previous studies and which lead the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication to the decision of implementing the project under a PPP form of contract.
It started with a due diligence of all studies previously undertaken by the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication. This allowed the project team to highlight gaps and propose complementary tasks to be undertaken for achieving suitable PPP Contract. As a result some of the key features of the Metro Phase 1 were modified; e.g the relocation of the Airport Station in front of the newly built terminal for better integration and passengers experience.
During the initial phase, Egis supported KPMG in producing the financial model of the project. The three key inputs to the financial model developed by Egis were a ridership study based on the Country Strategic Transportation Model, in addition to OPEX and CAPEX elements.
Based on the later, the Transaction Advisor team proposed a PPP procurement model consisting in a vertically integrated all-inclusive disciplines with a Payment Mechanism based on KPIs measuring the quality of service during operation.
A Risk Register associated with mitigation measures while detailing Functional Output Specifications was produced to optimize the risk profile of the project for both private and public sectors.
Egis produced technical specifications including the ones related to Transportation Services during Operation phase to be included in the future contract and to advise the legal advisor about specificities of Metro Projects for inclusions in the conditions of contract.
Market Sounding
A market sounding event that was conducted in two stages was organised to increase the attractiveness of the project toward the private sector and better understand the conditions for their appetite.
• Stage 1 comprised of a Global Market Consultation event where potentially interested companies were invited and provided with information about the project and opportunity was given to participants to seek clarifications.
• Stage 2 of the process comprised on one-on-one feedback sessions with selected market participants covering civil contractors, operators, rolling stock suppliers and financiers / investors.
The event was well received and attended by more than 300+ candidates from over 100 organisations across the globe.