Depreciation report

Happy Seniors Enjoying Their Condo That We Did The Reserve Fund Study For Scaled 1

Egis helps take the pain out of depreciation reports for your strata council. Not only are we one of Vancouver’s most experienced providers of depreciation reports, but we also know how to make them easy to understand.

We will clearly lay out the options and what they mean for your future prosperity, helping you avoid mistakes that other Strata corporations have made. On request, our Strata Group lead, expert Doru Cornescu, can personally walk your team through the report and help them understand the results of potential decisions.

There are many more experts who stand behind each and every report we prepare. Our experienced engineers, technicians and technologists will accurately determine the condition of your strata building, parking garage, and other strata assets. They have unique tools at their disposal, like our internal database of real-world materials and equipment life expectancies, developed over our 50+ year history.

Because time won’t stop in a few decades, our reports go further, providing cost projections 40 or even 60 years into the future rather than the usual 30.

Best of all, our reports cost less than you would think, thanks to the many efficiencies we’ve built into our process.

Ask for a free proposal for your next depreciation report. Call toll free 1-888-348-8991.