RAMS stands for four key elements in secure systems, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety. In the complex world of engineering, infrastructure, technology, and a constant evolution of what surrounds us, safety in everyday aspects of public life has become a priority.
And while we are on the subject of mobility, the RAMS concept comes into play, an acronym for four key elements in secure systems: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety. A set of concepts that have set milestones in improving the safety and reliability of complex systems.
History has revealed its necessity and taught us invaluable lessons about the need to incorporate the RAMS approach into every project.
This case stands out for the catastrophic impacts that can arise when safety is not placed as a priority; its aftermath has left a permanent mark, serving as a constant reminder of the obligation we have to take preventive measures.
The aftermath of Chernobyl prompted a global review of nuclear safety. This led to the implementation of more rigorous standards and safety procedures in nuclear projects and other fields, such as health, manufacturing, railways, among others.
Safety is a crucial issue for the railway industry as well as for any field that could have serious consequences, as in the case of Chernobyl in 1986 or the Concorde incident in 2000. When an operation is carried out, we have the duty to have constant training and information, as these are essential elements to guarantee the integral protection of the project, covering social, environmental and structural aspects.